PokemonGo: Changes in the Scanner - Weather and Catching Pokemon

I didn't do a lot of catching yesterday, so I missed this little thing that makes the pokeweather app so cool. Yesterday, I noticed the weather picture above the pokemon radar, and how it showed the effects the weather in your playing area was having on the pokemon encountered. Well, today, the weather looked like this:

What I didn't notice yesterday was that any weather-affected pokemon have a little weather symbol above their CP in the catch screen. This is a good indication that the little beggar you are facing just might take a little more effort to catch.

The second thing I didn't notice yesterday, was that any weather effects also show in the pokemon's stats. Take a look at this little minum, for example:

Yeah, I know this little guy's an electric pokemon, so I'm not sure why it's showing the effects for cloudy weather, but this is where I noticed the bonuses being added. It gives you an idea of the changes you'll see in a gym. The little weather icon can also be seen next to the attack name, and the bonus next to the usual attack stats.

It's another interesting wrinkle in the game - and I like it!


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