Two Days of New Pokemon: December 11-12, 2017

As you all know, Hoenn released on the weekend, so there have been new pokemon to catch. Despite getting out and about on the weekend, I've been a bit busy since Monday, so the only pokemon catching that's happened has been while out running errands. Nevertheless, there have been new pokemon to catch. Here's how we're doing so far:

On Monday morning I found a shroomish (sitting under a gym beside a local walking track between two ovals),  and in the afternoon, I hatched a wurmple (from a 2k egg as we crossed the oval on the return journey home).

Shroomish was really strong with attack as its best quality and the best stats ever seen, while the wurmple able to battle with the best of them, with HP as its best stat, a great attack, and strong stats.

Today was quieter, with only an electrike to confront me on the way across the ovals. It was a decent pokemon with strong stats, and defense as its best quality.

This brings the Hoenn pokemon count up to 16, which isn't bad for someone not actively hunting.


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