PokemonGo Tips: More About the Weather

So, yesterday I noticed that pokemon affected by the weather had a little weather symbol attached to them in the screen. I also noticed that some pokemon not affected by the weather still showed weather effects on their attacks. It took me a little while (mainly because the first few pokemon stats didn't display correctly, but then I noticed this:

Sunny Day:


Look at these stats of pokemon of types not affected by the weather:

Notice how the grass-type attack has the weather bonus, but the fighting-type attack does not? And also take note that these are normal-type pokemon so they are not affected by the weather, except where they share a type of attack  related to the pokemon types that are weather-affected.

So, yesterday, when I coudn't work out why this minum, an electric pokemon not affected by cloudy weather, had bonuses on its attacks, it was simple: the attacks were normal-type attacks, and they were affected by cloudy weather, so they received a bonus.

Now, look at the stats, of the pokemon of types that are affected by the weather:

See how the attacks that are of the type to be weather affected are boosted, while those that are not of the type affected by the weather are not boosted? Yeah. Even when the pokemon is boosted by the weather, some of its attacks might not be.

This is probably going to be important to remember when choosing pokemon for your next gym battle. You need to choose the pokemon of the right type and pokemon that have the right attacks, depending on the weather.

Very cool, Niantic!


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