Mack 'n' Me #6 - Writing Update #9

It took ALL day to beat the blues, yesterday. (Well... it took THREE days to beat the blues, but only one, once I'd nailed what had caused them.) I finally got some words done yesterday, and here are a few of them.

Words from Day 13 (Chapter 23):

Mikalesket’s voice sounded clunky coming to me through my ears.

“Your people aren’t familiar with lizardine culture,” he noted. “We will rectify this on reaching Aquapearl. Let us suffice it to say that parenting is done differently—and is a sensitive subject for some.”

He glanced at his warrior, and was greeted by a soft hiss of defiance.

I will not ask you to apologize, Mikalesket assured the warrior, dropping the translation into my implant even as he spoke , but you will mend what you have broken.

I was not broken.

It can be arranged, Eshvet informed me, broadcasting his promise for all to hear.

Mack quirked an eyebrow, but Mikalesket gave a small lizardine smile.

“I do not retain Eshvet for his natural charm and grace,” he stated, and I got the impression that neither of these traits belonged to the warrior in question.

Mikalesket ignored the thought.

“He has other qualities I value more.”

Eshvet stretched a clawed hand toward me, but not even the instinct to flee could get the rest of me to move.

You still live, do you not? The warrior asked.

You scaly sonuvabitch! I managed, and Mack buried his face in the palm of one hand.


Yup, that was Cutter at her charming best. Let's hope she's in the mood to be more civil, today. I have words to write and I don't think 'shenanigans' was in the outline for this next bit...I could, of course, be wrong, and my characters might be about to sideswipe me - they are going after a merc company, after all...


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