Yesterday's Words #7 - Mack06, a Poem, and a Piece of Flash

Yesterday, I put words down on four projects: a work-for-hire piece, Mack 'n' Me #6, Another 365 Days of Flash Fiction, and Another 365 Days of Poetry. A brief sample of those words (except for the words on the work-for-hire) is as follows:

Mack 'n' Me #6 (Chapter 28):

We didn’t wait any longer, but hauled ass aboard the shuttle and found ourselves some inconspicuous corners. I didn’t feel like waiting.

I could fly the shuttle…it wouldn’t be hard. All I had to do was…

A firm presence settled over my mind, holding my explorative tendencies in check. Honestly, it was like being encased in a fur-lined glove.

Mika! The glove tightened and I struggled to breathe, panic stirring in my chest, but the lizardine leader’s reply proved he was not responsible for the force that held me.

Eshvet, he murmured warningly, and the pressure on my chest eased.

I only wanted her to be still, the warrior protested. She is more trouble than a hatchling in a roomful of crickets.

I scowled, but kept any comments to myself. I resembled that remark!


Another 365 Days of Flash Fiction (March 16):

Calumney slid under the bed and wriggled behind a suitcase. She covered her mouth and nose with a hand and closed her eyes, willing herself not to sneeze. Dust puffed up around her and the feather-light carcases of spiders scattered. She stifled a scream.


Another 365 Days of Poetry (October 27):

I reached out to lightly trace the face

that had led me such a soulful dance


Tomorrow, there will be more. Until then, happy wording! 


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