Yesterday's Words #9 - Mack #6, & More Flash & Poetry

Day 3 went well, and I'm about to head into Day 4, so I'll just drop this here and run. Enjoy!

Mack 'n' Me #6

The road wound past the Security Center, but I didn’t. As I got closer, I angled the bike at the front door, and let it go. It hit with a bang, throwing the door inward as I hit dirt and rolled.

That would probably hurt later, but I figured I’d be in a tank by then and it wouldn’t matter. Right now, I needed to get over the Center’s outer wall and into its courtyard…or I could just waltz right in and take out every Exarch soldier in the front room.

Well, that sounded like fun.

The problem with stims is that I’ve done it by the time I’ve thought it,

Another 365 Days of Flash Fiction

“So we’re fast, are we?” the vampire asked, one hand in the middle of my chest as he pressed me into the wall and slid in close.

I tucked my chin, tightened my grip on the hilt of my sword.


Another 365 Days of Poetry

 In the lantern’s yellow gleam 

Well, that's it for now - have a great day, out there - and take care of yourselves.


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