Yesterday's Words #8 - More Mack, Flash & Poetry

 I'm trying out a new routine and a new way of approaching the words. So far, so good, but it's only Day 2. Here are yesterday's words:

Mack 'n' Me #6 (Chapter 29):

Delight’s face had gone hard, her eyes glittered like chips of ice. “Does each security center have orbital comms?”

I tensed, and Mack was in my head. Don’t even think… he began, but Valahan gave his answer.

“Yes, but it’s Security Central that has the main uplink…”

It did?

“Crap,” Mack murmured as I slipped past his presence and found the warehouse link. It wasn’t connected to the orbital directly, but to the colony’s administration center…and oh my hadn’t Bluebirds and Exarch just gotten their hooks into that.

Cutter! Delight’s voice called me, but I wanted to find this Security Central, and then I wanted to find the link to the orbital, and then I wanted to...

Tens planted the digital equivalent of a Size 12 boot in the center of my forehead, and kicked me back into my implant.

Another 365 Days of Flash Fiction (March 17):


Cherry blossoms flew like pink flakes of snow, torn from branches and sent in flurries over the house. I watched them fly, shivering at the sudden chill on the wind’s breath. This stank of magic…and not the elvish kind. I wondered if troll kings knew how to weave spells, and decided it couldn’t be. A winter wind, a winter spell? The idea had merit.

I hoped it didn’t signal trouble. I had a dinner date, and the roast was in the oven.

Another 365 Days of Poetry (October 28): 


walking the night



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