Words from Day 5 of Writing - Lunar Wolves: The Undiscovered

Every day, I wake up and look at the word count, and every day I doubt I can reach my goals. A thousand other things become overpoweringly important the moment I sit down to type, even though I'm happy to start and usually at my happiest when spinning story. My brain skitters from one thing to the next, until I can grab hold of it, and point it in the right direction...and then it settles...and then sometimes, just when I'm thinking I've hit the day's quota and it might be time to stop, it throws in something extra...like the conversation, this extract is part of...and I find myself typing for another hour at the end of a 10-hour day.

Starting Words: 11,046

Finishing Words: 16,081

Words Written: 5,035

Other Words:  6,175 words

Other Project/Project Aspects Advanced: 2 (work-for-hire & outline notes) and 2 blog entries

Excerpt: In which a mind-ship, allowed a lupari security tech to walk into his cockpit...


The wolf sat in contemplative silence, his thoughts hidden outside the implant, although Septu caught glimpses of them. When Enshevra spoke again, he could only agree.

“You are crazy, for a mind-ship, don’t you know?”

“And you are not quite sane for a security expert of your years and experience,” he replied. “Tell me why.”

Enshevra hesitated, and then gave a long, slow sigh.

Why I placed my entire region of responsibility and the security of my clan at the mercy of a ship some say clings to his own sanity by the barest of margins?”

Septu was shocked.

“They say that of me?”

And much, much more,” Enshevra confirmed, “but only those who know what happened to you on an asteroid where human and lupari territories touch.”

Septu could not suppress the shudder that ran through his circuits, the nightmare rising unbidden. In a flash, Enshevra was there beside him, steadying him as they faced the memories and banished them together.

“It works two ways,” Enshevra told him.

“You did not warn me of that,” Septu observed. “It was not part of our agreement.”

“It’s in the coding,” the wolf admitted, and Septu caught a glimpse of the intelligence the wolf had brought to bear against him.

“Does the clan know?” he asked, referring to the extent of Enshevra’s abilities.

The wolf caught his meaning and did not shy from the answer.

“Egravek suspects and lets me live. It is enough.”

“He knows you will die for him.”

“He suspects. For one of his position and bloodline, he shows an uncommon amount of trust…once he decides to trust.”

“A trait he does not hold alone,” Septu observed.

“No,” the wolf admitted.

“Then tell me why.”



Thanks must go to my cover artists, from left to right: Mihaela Voicu, Jake at JCaleb Design, and Moonchild Ljilja at Fantasy Book Design.

 If you wish to check out the Magic Below Paris series (on the left), you can find all the necessary links here: https://books2read.com/rl/zQAlXz/

If you wish to check out the Mack 'n' Me 'n' Odyssey series (on the right), you can find all the necessary links here: https://books2read.com/rl/zRAO7G
The Strays of Lunar One series is yet to be scheduled for release, but remains under copyright.


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