2022 Flash Fiction Challenge: Streak 2: Days 2-4

It took me a little time to find my feet and start attending to my own writing the way I looked after my clients,' but my head slowly started work it out. Here are the results so far:

Flash Fiction Challenge 2022

Streak 2: Day 2
Streak 1: 17 Days
Flash Piece 24/28
Words: 22
Usually I post the first 10% (rounded down), but this piece is so short, I'll post it all:
Dragon thunder. Flame-forced compliance ensues.


Streak 2: Day 3
Streak 1: 17 Days
Flash Piece 25/33
Words: 268
First 10% (rounded down)
General Hansard looked through the narrow arch that was his only window, thinking the rain was as fitting as any shroud for the slaughter going on below.


Streak 2: Day 4
Streak 1: 17 Days
Flash Piece 34/38
Words: 307
First 10% (rounded down)
Mica went early to the mountain path, seeking a way out of the valley, but the path was blocked, stones rattling ominously above her as she touched the nearest boulder.


To be published in: Another 365 Days of Flash Fiction



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