The Story Match Challenge—Day 24: July 30, 2015

I woke up at 0500 and got straight into the readings for my first class for next week. The plan was to clear two classes’ worth of readings and then reward myself with fiction. I had the first class’s readings complete along with a load of washing before I had the little one off to school. A good start—and then had to take my biggest to see the doctor with suspected appendicitis. That was at 1100, after the second load of washing and starting the notes for the second class.
I got home at 2030 and spent the next hour and a half reassuring and settling the littlest, doing some quick house chores and wondering why I was feeling so tired. No writing got done. At 2250 I still hadn’t checked out the word goal (2,300) or random-rolled the story title: 35-column 1-Season of, and 66-column 1-the Starman. Good title—I’m looking forward to writing this, but it won’t be tonight.
I did a quick catch up of the past few days of Story Match and headed to bed after posting the blogs.
Word Total for the Day: 1,470


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