Babes in London: Rewards for Act One

Act One is done, and it’s time to hand out the rewards. Tomorrow, we'll move on to Act Two.

Suggested Rewards for Act One

Game Masters should use the following as a guideline. No doubt your players will take actions that should earn them other rewards that can be added to the baseline below. Make sure you note any of these as you go.

Adventure Points:

Scene 1


Scene 2

Defeating the Imps & Scorpions: 1 heritage AP

Scene 3

+1 humanity AP for participating in any 2 of the following sections:
(i)                 Speaking with the Children;
(ii)               Following the Children or Their Fathers Home;
(iii)             Following the LN7 Operatives;
(iv)             Following the Gehenna Consortium Mooks.

Modern Effects:

  • Friend of the Gehenna Consortium: The PC is part of a group has agreed to mount a 24-hour watch on Anika Collins and Leyila Andrews for the remunerative amount of £100/day. In addition to this remunerative amount, the PC is now under Gehenna Consortium investigation and surveillance and may request assistance in the area of research and or medical aid once per adventure module, or every two Acts;
  • Friend of LN7: The PC is part of a group has agreed to mount a 24-hour watch on Anika Collins and Leyila Andrews for the remunerative amount of £100/day. In addition to this remunerative amount, the PC is now under LN7 investigation and surveillance and may request assistance in the area of research and or medical aid once per adventure module, or every two Acts. If the PC has not yet been designated containment required, his or her status is considered friendly and will receive information and occasional resources, provided such assistance cannot be traced back to LN7.

Mythic Effects: Nil

Meta-Game Effects:

  •  Entry to Designation: Containment Required: The PC has been designated containment required by LN7 and, unless actions are performed to change this designation, will be ‘contained’ as soon as LN7 is able to put the appropriate safety precautions in place.
  • Entry to Sha’ir of Shadow & Sands: The PC has successfully defeated an attack of the sha’ir’s blue imp and scorpion minions and has started down the trail of remembering an old vendetta based in the lands of mythic Arabia. They have gained access to the adventure series titled Sha’ir of Shadow & Sands.


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