Progress Report: Week 1, July 2017

This last week has been busy. On Monday, I finally finished the Print-on-Demand edit and format for Ellie Moonwater’s July release, The Contract. On Tuesday, I had The Contract up for pre-order on all my usual distribution channels. On Wednesday, I took some time out to spend time with my little one, and we went dinosaur-spotting in the Australian National Botanic Gardens, which was a lot of fun, but left me with only 10,000 words of editing to show for the day—it was worth it!

On Thursday, I caught up on social media, including a little blogging, and followed that with taking the podling for a short walk to a playground. On the way, I did a very quick check on my ability to join Pokemongo raids, and found I still couldn’t, so I blogged that on the way home. I wound the day up by starting the edits on Freeman’s Choice. On Friday, I did more editing, and on Saturday, I completed the cover in preparation for final formatting, which I started.
Now, I have a better idea of what I can do during a week.

Week 1, July 2017: Progress

  • New words produced: 4,207
  • Outlines and Notes: 1,444
  • Works completed: 0
  • Works edited: 1 (Freeman’s Choice)
  • Covers created: 1 (Freeman’s Choice)
  • Works published: 1 (Ellie Moonwater’s The Contract)
  • Works submitted: 0
  • Competitions Entered: 0
  • Bloggery: 1,314
  • University Prep and Assignments: N/A

Writing News

Last week saw the completion of the following priorities I set last week: the final format, edit, and upload of Ellie Moonwater’s The Contract, the final pre-format edit of Freeman’s Choice. I managed to start the CreateSpace format of Freeman’s Choice, but only reached the final layout for the fifth chapter. More editing occurred along the way, as the format process highlighted some words that needed smoothing. In addition, I remembered I needed to finish the Freeman’s Choice cover so I could put the artist credits in the front matter, so that ate a few more hours, but was finalised on Saturday.


June-July Challenge: Babes in London

Last week saw me completely focussed on catching up the publishing schedule. I really need to get that in place before I go back to university—and then I’ll keep going with this.

Ingress Updates

Last week’s Ingress consisted of minimal hacking, while I focussed on getting my publishing in line—just out and back in ten- to twenty-minute walks, but it’s school holidays and I had a family trip to the Australian National Botanic Gardens to check out some dinosaurs, and did some incidental capture and deployment to bring down the number of items I had in store. Maintaining the Sojourner’s streak becomes very difficult when you bag is too full for you to hack—also when the temperatures hit sub-zero, or even just below a nice ten degrees C.

PokemonGo Updates

Last week’s PokemonGo consisted of the minimum spins and catches, due to the amount of editing I needed to do, but I did encounter an increased number of pikachu in the Botanic Gardens when I was there, which was fun, and helped a lot with the candy supply. I guess the little beggars will do anything for a thrill, and the idea of playing with velociraptors was a bit of a drawcard for them—because I didn’t see another one until the birthday event started, and those kids had back-to-front baseball caps on their heads.

Other News

In addition to everything else, I realised my limit on languages for the time being had to be three—and I had to go back to working German and Russian separately as I just don’t have the grammar to be able to switch between them. I can still translate both into Indonesian, though, so that language gets a bit of an extra workout when I can find the time to study them.

My fitness program was cut back to bare bones, as well, as the production schedule is in dire straits.

Priorities for Week 2, July 2017

This week’s priorities are as follows:

  • Prepare Freeman’s Choice for Print-on-Demand publication via CreateSpace;
  • Prepare and deliver Freeman’s Choice to all ebook platforms for pre-order;
  • Begin final edit and format for C.M. Simpson: Short Works from 2014, Volume 3 (Fantasy & Urban Fantasy).


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