First Words: September 03, 2018—Mack ‘n’ Me: The Wolves of Alpha 9

Today’s words came through okay, and I finally reached the seed idea that started it all. At this point, I am officially past the half-way point for this novel and on track to complete it… this time round, at least. In today’s extract, Cutter has decided against being drowned in ant-honey and decided to trade one kind of trouble for another. 

For a moment, I hoped at least one of them would run right into us, maybe even bump the vat in their hurry, but that didn’t happen. Two kept heading for us, and one split off and went around the other side of the vat. It had just vanished from sight, when the vat jerked like a counterweight was swinging on the other side, and I hoped it was from two big dudes weighed down by combat armour swinging from the edge, and not one big dude in combat armour being ripped off the side by a giant ant.
The Stars knew the ones standing in front of me looked plenty mad at what we were doing.
“And down,” said the guardsman beside me, and, catching a vague idea of what he was thinking, I dropped the vat when he did.
We were gonna try and use its own momentum to put it over. I just hoped it didn’t rock so far this way that it squashed us instead. It didn’t, and we threw our backs against it as it rocked back the other way. It wasn’t much, just a fraction of an inch off the ground, but it was more than we’d had when we started.

Would you like to read more? 

The first three books and two short stories in the Mack ‘n’ Me ‘n’ Odyssey series: Mack ‘n’ Me: Origins, The Depredides Dance, Mack ‘n’ Me: Blaedergil’s Host, Mack ‘n’ Me: Arach and Cloud Door, are also available. The fourth book, Mack ‘n’ Me: The Transporter’s Favour will release shortly.


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