Good News: Short Story ‘Mothers’, accepted by The Expanding Universe Anthology #4

Most of you know I like to work on my own projects, but what you may not know is that I like working on things with other authors, too. So, when the opportunity arose to submit a short story for Craig Martelle’s latest TheExpanding Universe anthology, I jumped at it—and Craig liked it enough to include it with stories by: himself, Jonathan P. Brazee, David VanDyke, Michael Campling, Terry Mixon, Yudhanjaya Wijeratne & R.R. Virdi, Bill Patterson, Kevin McLaughlin, P.R. Adams, Kayelle Allen, Drew Avera, Justin Bell, David R. Bernstein, Timothy Ellis, Lyn Forester, Nathan Mutch, J.L. Stowers, Jenetta Penner, and David J. VanBergen Jr... I am honoured.

You can find these authors via the links above, and their work on Amazon, and you can find the previous The Expanding Universe anthologies in paperback, at the links below:

The Expanding Universe #4 releases ten days from now, on September 17, 2018, (United States time) and will soon be available for pre-order. However, if you’d like something to read, right now, you can find  - Volume 1, The Expanding Universe: An Exploration of Science Fiction Genre, Volume 2, The Expanding Universe: Exploring the Science Fiction Genre, and Volume 3, The Expanding Universe 3: Space Opera, Military SciFi, Space Adventure, & Alien Contact! on Amazon.

EDIT: The Expanding Universe #4 has NOW RELEASED!


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