An Extract from This Month's Release: An Ode to Waffle

To celebrate this month's release of the second edition of 366 Days of Poetry released. Links to the collection can be found at:


An Ode to Waffle


Written on July 28, 2015, for the April 12 entry of 366 Days of Poetry, this piece was inspired by a particularly dense reading on security theory, where the author waffled and didn’t get to the point… and the fact that I like word play.



sweet breakfast food,

a pastry fills the mouth

just like words can fill a space.

White noise.


Sound wall

hides the main point, or lack thereof,

may sound sweet, but wastes time.

Never welcome.

Not food.


Not food

for thought or mind.

Not the best use of time.

I think it best to dine, on




Cover art is by Jake at JCaleb Design, and links to 366 Days of Poetry can be found on Books2Read at:


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