An Extract From This Month's Release: Calls the Waterfall

 This month's release is the second edition of 366 Days of Poetry released. Links to the collection can be found at:


Calls the Waterfall

Started on July 20, 2015, and completed on July 22 for the April 3 entry of 366 Days of Poetry, this verse plays with repetition and the idea of listening to a waterfall.


I stood upon a mountain tall

and watched the way the water called.

I watched the way the water called;

I listened to the waterfall.


The water fell, so clear and bright,

reflecting gem drops in dawn light.

Reflecting gem drops in dawn light,

the water called, the water bright.


Bright it danced upon the dawn,

as dawn’s bright colors lit its fall.

As dawn’s bright colors lit its fall,

I listened to the water call.


I listened to the water call,

in the brightness of the dawn.

Bright sun colors lit its fall,

as I stood upon the mountain tall.


Cover art is by Jake at JCaleb Design, and links to 366 Days of Poetry can be found on Books2Read at:


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