An Extract from This Month's Release: Dragon Tears

    This month's release is the second edition of 366 Days of Poetry released. Links to the collection can be found at:


Dragon Tears


Written on July 22, 2015, for the April 6 entry of 366 Days of Poetry, this piece is about clouds.


Seen as the rain from clouded skies,

the teardrops fall from dragon’s eyes.

The teardrops fall from the clouds o’erhead,

the clouds that form the dragon’s bed.

The clouds that form the dragon’s bed,

on lofty pallets spin their way,

bring rain relief, and dragon’s tears,

provide shade for us on too-bright days,

provide shade for us, but don’t protect

from rays that burn our skin to shreds,

so that outdoors must we be aware of, and fear,

sun-ray, false shadow, and dragon’s tear.


Cover art is by Jake at JCaleb Design, and links to 366 Days of Poetry can be found on Books2Read at:


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