The Story Match Challenge—Day 12: July 18, 2015

Today’s word goal was 3,600—and I honestly thought I’d barely make it… up until three hours ago when the story took off. I’d like to say it was because I’d found the ending, and that’s probably about the size of it. I’d also taken a break after writing the first 1,600 words, and done some publishing, and then come back to it. Another break at the 2,800-word mark, to cook and eat dinner with the family and then a couple of hours to finish the story at 6,400 words. Not what I expected at all.
Still, the randomly rolled title was: 03-Legacy and 54-Elves, so the title became A Legacy of Elves and the story rolled from there. End result was that I didn’t write any flash fiction or poetry today, but I did finalise the edit on a young adult novel and release it on Smashwords. Tomorrow, that novel will be released in mass market and large print print-on-demand versiions.. All in all, a very good day’s work, even if I have to focus on studying in the morning.
Story Match: CompleteA Legacy of Elves (post-apocalyptic urban fantasy – 6,400 words.

Word Total for Today: 6,981


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