First Words and Work Lists—July 14, 2018
I’m prepping this early, in the vague
hope that I will get it out, today. When I rolled out my plans for the beginning
of the week, I had the following tasks that I wanted to achieve:

- finish Mack ‘n’ Me: The Transporter’s Favour;
- finish two short stories;
- finish 15 poems; and
- finish 20 pieces of flash fiction.
I was also vaguely hopeful that I could
- finish the revamp of Long Hair;
- complete 4 covers;
- write a brief outline of Mack ‘n’ Me: Wolves of TBD; and
- start writing Mack ‘n’ Me: Wolves of TBD.
Well, I became totally distracted,
today. Whether it’s because I lacked the necessary discipline, or because the
household tasks really were that important, you can decide, but my floors are
now clean, my washing is done, I’ve designed another partial cover for a flash
fiction collection, I updated my blog, and
I managed to take two walks,
today—albeit both a lot shorter than I liked. And I got to be social, which is
something I don’t do a lot of, and spend some time with my little one, which is
something I don’t do enough of, AND call my parents – which is something else I
don’t do anywhere near enough - so it was a good day, nonetheless.
In order to complete the top list, I
needed to complete 19 pieces of flash, today, but kept allowing myself to be
distracted. That is no-one’s fault but my own – and I’m only a little bit
sorry, given its already been a 62 ½ hour week. Today, I added another 4 and a
bit, before calling it quits. Tomorrow, I’ll go back over my goals and set new
ones for the new week.
So, what were the first words for
today? Well, here you go:
Another 365 Days of Poetry
of the monsters,
half woman and all snake,
in caverns deep you gave me birth.
Another 365 Days of Flash
The road curved down the western side
of the valley, frighteningly steep, absurdly narrow, and fraught with curves.
Pelican jogged down the gravel, watching his footing and keeping an eye on the
path ahead. He didn’t look down, just imagined a broad, rolling plain, and
wished he had blinkers. Vertigo was a killer. Right now, fear was his friend.
Would you like to read more?
collections of flash fiction—365 Days of Flash
Fiction and 366 Days of Flash
poetry—365 Days
of Poetry and 366 Days of Poetry—are all currently available.

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