First Words for the Day: July 10, 2018

Yesterday saw me catching up on some of the short work I’ve committed to for the year. I continued writing for the next poetry collection, Another 365 Days of Poetry, a collection of mainly science fiction and fantasy poetry due out at the end of the year, and I continued writing the short story scheduled for release on the first Friday in August. I also caught up on a tonne of blogging, and began planning the covers for some of the releases later this year, because they’re nicer to have on the blog than the black and white place-holder covers. With all that in mind, Tuesday’s first words for each project were as follows:

Another 365 Days of Poetry

Life’s Journey

Leave the broken days by the road
You cannot walk with twice the load
Identify what needs must be
Find a new path to take your feet…


River’s Edge
I heard bootsteps ahead of me, and a brief scatter of steps behind—and then the steps behind us stopped. The male running beside me did not pause, but increased the pace. When the female stepped aside, we bolted past, not hesitating to see why.

I twisted my head so I could look over my shoulder, but tripped and would have fallen if it hadn’t been for the grip on my hand and arm.

“Don’t look back.”

 Would you like to read more?

365 Days of Poetry and 366 Days of Poetry are both available, and River's Edge will be available in August 2018, although you can find all the short works from 2015 and 2016 collected together in C.M. Simpson: Short Work from 2015 & 2016.


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