First Words for the Day: July 5-9, 2018

I got sick last week, and then spent the first part of this week catching up, so I’m behind on the first words. Rather than hit you with four posts on the same thing, I thought I’d just bundle things up into one, so, without further ado, here are the first words from July fifth through ninth.


July 5— Mack ‘n’ Me: The Transporter's Favour


The man clearly deserve the investigator’s title he wore. He bulked out Abby’s lead, and added to both the information known and the avenues to explore, earning a reproving “You’ve been holding out on me,” from Abby. The search didn’t take long after that, no matter how many hours the clocks in our heads told us we’d worked.

Wanderer,” Delight said, and the ship answered, before she could ask.

“We are underway,” she said. “Your teams are in training.”

Delight’s brows rose.

“Both of them?”

“I have broken all six of them out of stasis,” Wanderer said. “You will need to secure cooperation at Rigel’s Banter, the mining headquarters, and from within the asteroid belt itself. You will need all your teams. I have started them on Primer 7. Those that get through that unscathed will begin on Primer 9, tomorrow. The rest will be in regen, from which they will all progress to Primer 10.”

Delight sank back in her chair.

“That’s a tough rotation.”

July 6— Mack ‘n’ Me: The Transporter's Favour

“You will be operating on the edge of lupar territory, and against the sort of force required to subdue and keep a HMT ship locked down, during extraction and forced transfer. The reconditioning team may also be present. Have you ascertained if the facility is lupar or human-controlled?”


“Captain Star,” the Wanderer continued, “Case has told me to confirm that she and her escort will reach K’Kavoran space in a month of easy travel. She wishes to release the crew for planetary leave and to rotate them through assistance duties with the vespis and their human and weaver allies.”

“Approve it,” Mack said



July 8— Mack ‘n’ Me: The Transporter's Favour

“We’ve been away from them long enough.”

Which was true.

We’d spent a Terran standard year away from K’Kavor, hadn’t been back to the sector since the arach advance force were driven from the planet. Odyssey had handled the post-invasion mop-up, and we’d taken the crew for rehab, counselling, and recuperation to one of the inner sectors at Odyssey’s behest. Couldn’t say they were anything if not possessive of their allies’ good health.

“It’s because we want you on deck when we need you,” Delight said, and I realised I’d drifted, again, that the rest of them were staring at me.

“When we’re done with trips down Memory’s Lane,” Mack said, and I felt myself blush. Man was in fine form given he’d just been dragged out of the wolf lock-up.

His look turned to a scowl, and I blinked. Man also needed to get the Hell over himself.

“Three rounds,” he said. “You owe me.”

July 9— Mack ‘n’ Me: The Transporter's Favour

Abby hit Delight up, one more time, only to find she was tied down at the station for the next two hours, and that most of Team One had been seconded away. She’d be at least an hour, and we needed to cope. We also needed to ‘shift our asses’ and ‘get it done’.

“Well,” Abs said, in a huff. “That’s inconvenient.”

“Yeah, but we can cause our own distractions,” I said, and caught the looks of surprise from the boys. “What? Odyssey trained, remember?”

“And the rest,” Mack muttered, which only made me wonder exactly how much he’d rifled through my head.

“Shutit!” I snapped, and brought up the station schematics on Abby’s forward view. “Let’s assume the wolves have noticed the comms quiet from their main base.”

I held up a hand to still a protest from Tens.

“Let’s just assume we’re not as clever as we think we are, and there was some kind of real-time warning that went out there. Let’s assume they’re kinda waiting for us to appear.”

“In which case we need Delight’s Team, more than we know,” Mack muttered, and Tens nodded.

I shook my head.

“We need their fuzzy little heads otherwise occupied,” I said, and Rohan snorted.

River's Edge

I stood at the edge of the river, both feet firmly planted amidst the sweet meadow grass, the toes of my boots scant inches from the water. What would it be like, I wondered, to take that one step more?

Behind me bugles rang, and I glanced back, trying to see through the cover of the trees, trying to gauge if I really had a choice about the river, or if I was honestly thinking of facing the fate roaring through the foliage. I turned. Perhaps that fate wouldn’t be as bad as I’d heard. Perhaps…

One look at the bestial features of the rider mounted on the giant boar, and I knew otherwise. The elders had been sugar-coating the truth for years; the only reason our colony had survived was because we paid a tribute in human lives—and I wasn’t going to be a part of it. Whatever the stories were that surrounded the river, none of them promised the horror I read on that face.

It was worth the risk.
Would you like to read more?
You can find the first book in the Mack ‘n’ Me ‘n’ Odyssey series, Mack ‘n’ Me: Origins, HERE


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