First Words I Forgot from July 13, 2018

I knew I’d forget something!
Yesterday, I also started the flash-fiction goal for the week. It was late, by the time I got to it, because 10 poems take a little over 7 hours to writer, so I only managed to finish one of the flash pieces I’d started earlier in the month for this year’s flash fiction collection. Here are the first words from that:

Another 365 Days of Flash Fiction


The wind whipping about her was a welcome distraction, even if it made the guards give a startled shout. Esmera didn’t bother. Why should she look up? It would only remind her of the stars beyond the clouds—and of the strange prince who dwelt among them, and who’d won her heart.
It was something she didn’t wish to be reminded of—the dreams they’d had, the hopes they’d shared. Her father did not believe the men in the stars had anything to offer...


Would you like to read more? 
Early collections of flash fiction—365 Days of Flash Fiction and 366 Days of Flash Fiction are both currently available.



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