First Words—July 24, 2018: Carlie Simonsen

On Tuesday, I had the first words of the day completed by 7 a.m…. and then I wrote a bunch of first words blog posts, so I didn’t get started on the worlds for Long Hair until after lunch. Of course, once I got writing, I came to a fight scene and had to research how some of the moves might be countered, which led to other fighting techniques that were useful to know for my adult science fiction It wasn’t until after 5 p.m. that I really got down to it. Talk about your slow beginnings!

Long Hair #1

Knowing that Mr. Caswell needed her alive, didn’t make him feel any better. Michael ran after the net, but stopped as soon as he’d crossed the road. It was gone, and Helena’s mother was gone with it. In the meantime, there were more Ninjas to deal with—and Kay Lin and Joe might need help. He ran back to his friends, kicking a Ninja off Joe, as Kay Lin got free of hers.

The three of them formed a triangle, facing off against half a dozen Ninjas on each side. It didn’t look good. The Red Fire Ninjas could get them all in one go, and there didn’t look like there was going to be much they could do to stop them.

Life Goes On #4
Hannah watched her parents leave. She studied how Brianna didn’t move as they passed her. Brianna stood with her arms folded at the door, and didn’t seem to know where to look. She looked at Hannah’s parents as they passed, which was understandable. Hannah would have looked at them, too. Her dad was pretty scary when he was mad.

Brianna looked around Hannah’s room, which Hannah found funny. It wasn’t like Brianna hadn’t seen it before. Sure, her parents had changed things to make it easier for the wheelchair, but they hadn’t changed them that much. It seemed like a long time, before Brianna actually looked at her.

Would you like to read more? 

Currently available titles in the Wheelchair Romance series include: Legacy of Dreams, Legacy of Hope, and Legacy of Hearts. Long Hair is currently available in its short form, which will be updated with the new and longer version currently being written.

NOTE: There will shortly be a series name and cover change to better reflect what the series is more about.


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