First Words—July 25, 2018: Carlie Simonsen

Yesterday, the words went slow. I struggled to adapt to the new writing routine, and how to fit things in. Honestly, there are days when I want to give up and ‘just go with the flow’ so to speak, but I can’t. I need to make the new routine work, and I’m told that takes time and persistence. So, Day 5 of the new routine was a struggle, but words got done on two of the four projects. Today, I’m going to do better.

Long Hair #1

She had kept her eyes on Mr. Kembo as she’d answered Michael’s question, and she didn’t take them from the oni’s face while she waited for his response.

Mr. Kembo didn’t look very happy, but he didn’t say ‘no’ straight away. Michael followed Helena’s gaze, aware that everyone was watching Mr. Kembo, and waiting for his reply. Helena had a point. If her mother was unconscious, and she could wake her up, then they’d need her. None of them was strong enough to carry her out of a ship.

Mr. Kembo returned the young siren’s stare. His eyes grew dark with thought, and he sat perfectly still, just staring through the space in which Helena sat. Just when Helena had started to look uncomfortable, he closed his eyes and sighed. Bowing his head, he nodded, and then he lifted his face so he could look Helena in the eye.

Life Goes On #4

“He is such a pain,” she said, and Brianna smiled.

“He always was.”


“But they’re really worried about you.”

“I’m fine.”

Brianna gave her a look, the kind of look that said she was kidding herself, or lying.

“Sure you are. So, what was the last thing you sketched?”

“But I haven—”

“Or your latest photographs,” Brianna pushed. “It’s been weeks. You must have done at least one…”

Hannah blushed, and opened her mouth to protest, but Brianna was ruthless.

“Or your next walk. I know you, you’re full of plans…”

“Hey! That’s not fair!” Hannah protested, and Brianna’s face softened.

“No, it’s not,” she said. “What do you want to do about it?”


Would you like to read more? 

Currently available titles in the soon to be retitled Wheelchair Romance series include: Legacy of Dreams, Legacy of Hope, and Legacy of Hearts. Long Hair is currently available in its short form, which will be updated with the new and longer version currently being written.

NOTE: There will shortly be a series name and cover change to better reflect what the series is more about.


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