First Words—July 26, 2018: Carlie Simonsen

Well, today’s words happened. The day started slowly, but I caught myself falling into the old pattern of distraction, and moved straight into writing. I not only did extra words on the latest Life Goes On book, but I also managed to catch up the words that I didn’t make yesterday on Long Hair—and finished the book. It is now waiting editing… and maybe a new cover.

Long Hair #1

Michael hauled himself through the railings as the two girls moved away to crouch in the shadow of a tall structure rising up from the deck. It looked like someone had stuck a three-storey building on the deck, but Mr. Kembo had called it a bridge castle.

At the time, Michael had thought it was a weird name, but, crouching next to it, he decided it made sense. The whole thing was a bit like a small castle. He was very glad he didn’t have to climb that, too. He crouched down by the railing, until Joe came into view, and then helped him through, before they ran over to join the girls.

Life Goes On #4

The two of them started to sketch, sitting together in companionable silence and losing themselves in their art. It was the happiest Hannah had felt in a long time. They sat that way until Hannah’s mum knocked at the door.

“Brianna, your parents are here to pick you up,” she said.

Both girls reached for their phones. Hannah was surprised to see the time had flown so fast. Brianna looked at her blank screen, and then put the phone back down.
“I forgot it was flat,” she said

Would you like to read more? 

Currently available titles in the Wheelchair Romance series include: Legacy of Dreams, Legacy of Hope, and Legacy of Hearts. Long Hair is currently available in its short form, which will be updated with the new and longer version currently being written.

NOTE: There will shortly be a series name and cover change to better reflect what the series is more about.


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