Poetry Challenge - Introducing the Acrostic Forn 6: The Multiple Acrostic Type 3

Another variation of the multiple acrostic occurs when a single acrostic is used to form each verse of a poem, rather than just forming a single verse.

Soon to be gone we fly
To destinations beyond our skies
Around the moon and through the stars
Rivalling explorers who once moved by sail
Suns still guide them on their trails
Hardships can be just the same
In lack of food and water, and creatures unnamed
Passengers go along for the ride
Sons and daughters, full families, all know the worlds they reach will their dreams decide.

Subtle is the engines’ hum
Too muted by the metal floors
An all-surrounding bone-deep thrum
Running through our very core
Shall we ignore it, let it be
How the sounds of our lives ring
Instead of traffic, winds and seas
Perpetually we are kept company, by the starship’s hum
See how we fly

See how we fly, amidst our hopes
Towards our dreams, that age-old trope
A change is as good as a holiday
Reality might otherwise choose to have its way
See how we fly, through void night-deep
Hauling our way past wonders, in a leap
Into the great unknown, where man, at least, has never flown
Perhaps we’ll find we’re not alone
So far from the world on which our species was born.

Why don’t you give it a try? Try writing at least one acrostic for each day of this week.
You can find out more about how to write acrostics from the following sites:


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