The Story Match Challenge—Day 19: July 25, 2015

Up at 0700 with the little one. Breakfast and so forth and then back to the computer. An hour of pfaffing about with Facebook, blogs and email, and then at 0830 I settled to write. The word goal is 2,800 and I rolled 28-The Heights of, and 28-Winter for my title. Should be interesting.
After a stop-start pull that ended around 1330, I had 4,800 words. Went back to it while cooking dinner and ended up with 5,146 words. It was weird, given I was convinced at 2,600 that I wouldn’t go much past 3,000. The tale started out as a Medilo story and reached out to include Odyssey and Miss Delight. Double bonus—I should have never expected it to be simple.
So – on to the poems and flash.
Story Match Challenge: Complete—The Heights of Winter (science fiction – 5,146 words)
Poetry: Complete—3 pieces; 384 words
Flash Fiction: Complete— 3 pieces; 774 words
Word Total for the Day: 6,475


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