An Extract from This Month's Release: Not So Lonely Dancer (Another 365 Days of Poetry)

To celebrate this month's release of Another 365 Days of Poetry which released on the 4th. Links to the collection can be found at:


Not So Lonely Dancer


Written on April 29, 2019, for the May 5 entry of Another 365 Days of Poetry, this science fiction verse is from a pilot’s point of view.


I danced alone amidst the stars,

each step thruster placed.

The great ship hummed beneath my feet,

as against the beat we raced.


For colonies are so much alone

that many see them as their prey,

and the dance I make, In raiders’ wake

is to see they survive another day.


For while I dance alone

to move my craft between the stars,

the final dance is jointly done

by warriors from afar.


I keep those dudes in stasis

because boredom is a curse,

and their focus is far, far too intense

to let them loose upon the ‘verse.


Cover art is by Jake at JCaleb Design, and links to 366 Days of Poetry can be found on Books2Read at:


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