Cover Reveal: Yet Another 365 Days of Poetry (Current WiP)

Since I want to start posting updates on this project, I thought you might like to see the cover created for it by Jake at JCaleb Design. This is another installment in the C.M.'s Collections series and part of my 2022 Poetry Challenge, which I'll talk more about later.

For now, here is the cover, and the poem from which I drew the brief that inspired Jake's art and design.




Written on April 7, 2022, for the January 10 entry in Yet Another 365 Days of Poetry, this science fiction piece is about a different kind of casualty in an interstellar war.


The thunder-drum of starships’ drives

as, sleek and bulky, mixed craft rise

a rapid exit

in an emergency,

a mercy run

from a world near-gone,

a swift lift from a planet done,

whose heart’s blood leaps from a shattered core,

whose people weep for a home no more,

as they rush to quickly samples gather,

creatures find and swiftly capture,

that somewhere, somewhen,

some small reminder can be gently made,

lest we forget this world once stood,

where asteroids will soon abound,

a victim of a hard-fought war,

caught in the cross-fire,

and dealt a planet-killing wound.


You can find links to the currently available volumes in this collection at this Books2Read link:


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