Two Challenges...So Far...for 2022

When I was growing up, 2022 was a distant year where science fiction books were set. Now? Well, now, it's now. I've been struggling a little with my writing so I thought I'd set myself a couple of challenges for the rest of this year to help me hit my goals: a Poetry Challenge, and a Flash Fiction Challenge.

They're both very simple. All I need to do is write a single poem and a single piece of flash on each remaining day of the year, starting on May 1st, 2022. I can write more, of course, but I have to write at least one new piece of poetry and a new piece of flash every day.

The final criteria is that I will share 10% of the words I've written for each challenge, the day after they're written. It's been a bit of a last-minute, I got annoyed with, while I have one of the covers for the book in which they will be published the other cover needs to be scheduled with the artist. That will happen in the next couple of months, and I'll reveal it when it arrives.

I am contemplating two more challenges, but I have a ghost-writing deadline to hit, first. Once that's done, I'll see. In the meantime, you've seen yesterday's cover announcement - and here are the first two day's challenge sections.

Flash Fiction Challenge 2022

Streak 1: 2 Days
Flash Piece 1 - 408 words.
Flash Piece 2 - 456 words
First 10% (rounded down)
Day 1:

Marcus broke the surface, sputtering and gasping and reaching for a shore barely seen through eyes nearly stuck shut.

Never swim in honey, he reprimanded himself. Never irritate an oversized ant. Never—

A long, wooden pole slipped into

Day 2:

Donovan ran headlong into the spider’s web and exited in a cursing, flailing mess, frantically brushing himself down while stumbling back into a run…and over a cliff.

The fall took him through another thick nest of webbing, and he cursed the sticky strands tangling around 


To be published in: Another 365 Days of Flash Fiction

Poetry Challenge 2022

Streak 1: 2 Days
Poem 1 - 59 words
Poem 2 - 121 words
First 10% (rounded down)
Day 1
This is for the broken
Day 2

On the day that dragons walked the Earth,

I simply chose to die,
To be published in: Yet Another 365 Days of Poetry


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