30 Days of Writing Challenge - Welcome Pack

Okay, so April is turning out to be busy. I have Camp NaNoWriMo, a novel to write, and this: the Shut Up & Write 30 Days of Writing Challenge.

While waiting for the first day's activities, I ran through the Welcome packet. There were some things to consider, and then some questions to help focus on intention. Here are my responses:

Writing Challenge Checklist

  1. Where? Gonna write on the computer, and maybe in a notebook.
  2. What? Will be writing Blaedergil’s Host, Poetry, Flash Fiction, and Chapter Books.
  3. When? Full-Time. 2 hours before breakfast, 2 hours before lunch, 2 hours after lunch, 2 hours before dinner.
  4. Get Excited. Let your family know you will be writing: Already excited. Family already know I write.

Responses to the Questions for Setting Intention:

What do you love about writing?

Discovering the new worlds lurking in my head. Most of the time, I don’t even know they’re there, until they come out in the story.

Why did you sign up for this challenge?

Because writing is fun? And challenges have a way of extending the skills and ideas I have. I have discovered worlds in writing challenges that I didn’t know were there. I expect to do the same, in this challenge… or to be able to expand on the worlds I’ve so far found.

What do you hope to accomplish MOST during this challenge?

I hope to complete my novel, while expanding my horizons, both from a skill point of view, as well as a writing point of view. And I hope to have fun.

Imagine you’ve completed this challenge. After writing for 30 days straight, what
would Future You say to Present You? Any words of encouragement?

Just to get my backside into gear a day early – and to not make me come back there…


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