PokemonGo Missions: Day 5

Day 5 (April 4th):

The Mission and Research Tasks continue. These are the ones I had scheduled as I headed out the door:

It didn't take long for me to catch one more Pidgey and one Murkrow. One was waiting on the path, and the other was at the nearest pokestop. Bonus! And I was given a new research task, straight away, and completed it before I researched the next stop, where I received another one. Of course, there wasn't a Meowth or Skitty in sight... and not a single ghost pokemon, either.

The best part of the day, however, was hatching my 500th egg, and earning the Breeder gold. It's been a long time coming.

Somewhere along the way, I managed my twentieth Great throw, and to catch my third Fire-/Ground-type pokemon, too. The day ended with the following tasks left to complete - and I hoped either for a kitty cat invasion, or an achievable task to spin up the next day, or I wouldn't be earning a sticker.


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