30 Days of Writing: Day 1—Jibba Jabba

I’m still acclimatising to getting 5k per day down on paper—and trying to balance the daily poems and flash while making up the ground I lost in the last two weeks to a sore back. I’m getting better at the balance, but I’m still catching up, and there are days when I don’t get to everything.

So far, I’ve been cutting the writing activities from Shut Up & Write’s 30 Days of Writing, but there’s also the flash and poetry, which take a hit, when I’m scrambling for time. The two things I’m refusing to compromise are the 5k on one project, and two half-hours slots of walking. If I don’t get fitter, my back will go, again, and I can’t afford that… not to mention the fact that it hurts, and I’m not fond of pain.

Anyway, this morning, I caught up on the 30Days of Writing activities. These have started out fairly simply, but they’re getting more complex as days go on. Day 1’s warm-up activity was to write the first word that popped into my head, and then follow it with a second, and then a third, and so on, until I came up with a phrase. I followed each step, and, when it said phrase, my brain provided one. And then it decided to give me a sentence straight up, for the activity, thus cutting it a bit short, but that’s okay. It looks like I have a nice first couple of lines of poetry to work with later.

Here are the results of Activity 1: Jibba Jabba

Warm-Up: Jibba Jabba
beans, turd
beans, turd, caterpillar
beans, turd, caterpillar, banana
Beans, turd, caterpillar, banana, castle
I’ll see you in the world below.

Activity 1: Jibba Jabba
I’ll see you in the world below
said the age-old Romeo.


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