Camp NaNoWriMo: Day 1

So, this month I have a number of challenges going – and I’m trying to build a few new habits, because a couple of challenges and a novel just aren’t enough.

Starting Points:
At this point, I had hoped to be at 36,000 words in my novel, Blaedergil’s Host. That did not happen. My back happened, Easter happened, family happened, and the rest was scramble. Now, I have to try to catch up without killing myself, because this sucker will probably take a fortnight to edit properly and format, I’d like a week’s break between writing it and editing it (and ideally four), and I have one project to complete for publication the week before. I have work to do.

The current starting point is 16,265 words.

Day 1 Progress:
By the end of April 1, Australian EST, I had reached 16,383 words, which was pathetic, even if it was Easter Sunday. For April 2, I changed my approach. That day is not yet over, so I’ll report on it, tomorrow.


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